Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Vegetable Gardens - Series Installment #2


The Vegetable and/or Herb garden may be an entry point into gardening for many prospective green thumbs. It is a garden that, if successful, can produce a yield. It is not just something designed for show, or a symbol of status, but rather, it provides food. So, is this a trend? or is it a common sense movement? Can we attribute the down-turn in the economy to a developing interest in growing one's own food, or do we credit the overextended agriculture industry with its crop dusters and pesticides for helping to create a grassroots organic counter reaction.

The vegetable garden originated as a product of necessity. It is a solution for a greater design problem. We are all designers of our future - taking control of our own lives. I believe this is all part of a greater movement, where citizens have the power and ability to make change, literally - in their own backyard. Now here is a design opportunity. Let us shift away from the old creosote laden railway ties that border the vegetable gardens of old, and begin to rethink how we can design fantastic new vegetable gardens of the future.

This is an interesting vegetable garden treatment. Designed as a way to keep the family dog from the crops.

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