Friday, March 23, 2012

Bees: Nesting Boxes

As we know, plants and insects live harmoniously - but why not lend a hand by adding a new feature to your backyard garden. Nesting boxes help to encourage our bumbling little buddies to hang out and pollinate those local neighbourhood flowers.

"Nestboxes provide artificial nesting space for female solitary, cavity-nesting bees and pest-controlling wasps."

"Artificial nest boxes consist of two main parts, the box and the nest. Natural nests do not have a "box", the box is the surrounding soil, the grass tussock, etc. The material you use is unimportant. Wood is the favourite, but plastic, or metal are also possible. Two plastic flowerpots joined together make an inexpensive nest box, as do large metal cans with some form of lid."

Furthermore, scientists and enthusiasts continue to study bee populations as their numbers have been declining over the years. One interesting study is being conducted by Scott Maciver in Toronto , ON. His work can be further explored at

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